Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Guest Room Update...

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas....
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Housekeeping...

I also recently got this adorable Paula Deen percolator at Wal-Mart. There is something about the smell of fresh brewed coffee....it brings back such fond childhood memories of visiting my best friend's house who's mom always used a percolator. My aunt recently saw this in the Wal-Mart paper, and we went and got a couple. She got the red one and I got the olive green one. We've been enjoying some great cups of coffee together.

Well I'm off from work now until January 5th, so I've got some shopping to finish up, and then hours of gift wrapping....blah. Hope you are all staying nice and toasty. We've been getting some frigid temperatures here in Indiana, with ice covered trees. It's perfect for staying in and sitting by a roaring fire...which we've been doing a lot of these days..
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Decorating Update...

Ok, so I had to post specifically about these CUTE fuzzy snowball lights that I noticed last week when I was at the mall. They were strung on the display trees at Nordstrom, and I told my husband that I just had to have them. Of course they were not for sale at Nordstrom, so as soon as we got home I did some internet searching, and I found two boxes for sale on ebay and snatched them right up. I just added them to the tree, each snowball is fuzzy and has a small clip to attach to the branches. Are these cute or what? So, I thought I'd take some photos of my scaled-down Christmas decorating this year. Hope you like it.
Christmas Decorating...
My sweet aunt (mom's sister) is still here visiting from California. AND, she is now staying at our house. The woman is a complete workaholic. I left her home alone yesterday as we all left to work and and kids to school, and she spent the entire day cutting fabric to make drapery, pillows, and a new seat cushion for a love seat for our guest room. I will show you pictures once everything is put together.
Here are last year's Christmas decor pictures. I'll chat with you all later!

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Girls Day Out...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Vegetable Casserole - Recipe Share

Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Gift of Light...
One of my most favorite aunts has arrived to visit mom, and spend time with all of us. She is my mom's dear sister, who traveled from Southern California. She'll be staying with mom for about a month, and we are so happy she's here. Of course a selfish part of me if partly happy, because she also happens to be one of the most talented women I know. She can sew up a pair of drapery panels like the finest, and has a keen design sense, both fashion and interior. Aren't we lucky to have her?!
Of course sis and I have plans...but we'll let her rest for a few weeks - ha! She gave each of us a adorable tea cup. Sis got a brown toile, and I got the red. I can't reveal what else she has for our third sister, and sister-in-law...as they could be reading here. ;) I had the day off yesterday, so I picked her and mom up and took them out for a day of shopping and dinner. We had so much fun, but my feet were quite sore... While shopping at one of my favorite stores "Tuesday Morning" I found a great lamp for my family room. I took some pictures to share with you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ok, Break is Over...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Momma Got New Bedding!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Need a Break...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I Miss Her...
I miss her....though she is here and alive...I miss her....MOM that is. Why is it so hard to see our parents age? I spent time with mom today - she came over so that I could fill her medicine case for the week. I know every pill by name...and I'll bet I can identify them with my eyes closed. She's doing well - - well as well as could be expected for someone who is 73 and in renal failure and on dialysis. She is frail...and growing older each time I see her. She looks tired...and she says "I'm tired" -- tired of getting up three days a week to get all dolled up to go and lay in a sterile bed with the smell of blood in the air, and strapped to a machine for 3 hours without being able to get up. I don't blame her...I feel her aches just by the sound of her voice when I call to check on her after each and every treatment....because I can't enjoy my day until I have heard her voice and know she is home and safe....you see my mom is no ordinary mom....no she is not! This is a woman with a excitable personality and flair for fashion like no other. She styled some of the most beautiful clothes and high heels that the first lady herself would envy. But her illness has taken its toll...and her dress shoes are now slip on leather Clarke's...because she may lose her balance. And her fistula that sticks out of her chest is no match for silk. So you see, I'm sad....I miss the woman she used to be, her loud laugh, and contagious spirit. Yet still, through it all, she has the spunk to demand her manicures and pedicures...because without them she feels naked. I cried all the way home today when I dropped her off at home, she's no longer the strong, vivacious, full of life woman I once knew just a couple of years ago....and the simple stroll to her front door, is now a slow feat as she grasps my arm so she stays balanced....and she is now quiet and reserved...and I wish I could take her and lock her in a room in my house so that time can't find her...and I just want to scream "WHEEEEEEERE IS MY MOM DAMN IT!??????"
Summer's Over.....
Well, I hope everyone has a safe Labor Day Weekend! I'm off to throw some burgers on the grill!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
False Alarm...

Thursday, August 21, 2008
THEN....we all went outside and got them all posed and ready for pictures and my camera batteries were DEAD! UGH, I was so upset. I ran to the neighbors who let me borrow her camera so I wasn't able to get a snapshot of my younger boy with my camera. I managed to find some new batteries, and so I took pictures of my older son with his best friend who lives across the street, and who takes the later bus as he has moved on to middle school. I told our bus driver Donna to keep them in line on the bus, and she gave me the "thumbs up". She's been our bus driver since our boys started school, so it's comforting to know they are safe with her.
OK to change the subject - does anybody know what kind of tree I have in my front yard? Is this a crab apple tree? It gives of beautiful pink flowers in the spring, and look at all of the red berries that are on it right now.

Bye sweetie, have a good first day!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happy Weekend!
CLICK ON THE ARROW TO LISTEN, but you have to listen til the end.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
OPERATION Tropic Brown...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tragic Storm Damage...updated
Last night at around 9pm my niece called me on the phone, I could barely understand what she was saying....my SIL's house was struck by a tornado. My nephew was still in the house in the basement, so it was a very nerve wracking evening. The storms came in so fast, we hardly had time to prepare, but thankfully everyone is safe and sound. My nephew got out with just a few cuts and bruises, but safe. My SIL and their family lost their house in the storm, and it will be a long journey until they can be back to "normal" - so I ask that you keep them in your prayers as they recover from the storm. And thank you Lord that everyone is safe this morning.
My SIL is really heart broken, and I can understand, it was hard to see her home destroyed, so many memories, it's hard not to let it get to you....and if you knew my SIL you know that she was spared for a reason - she is truly an angel....and my niece is a doll.
We will continue to keep them in our prayers as they try to return to somewhat of a normal life.
Notice the large trees behind the house are now just a few branches bare and broken...
This is a view of their backyard standing on the deck. I was sad to see that the huge tree that was the one they used to hang the pinata during family gatherings, and all of the kids would gather in anticipation to see how much candy they could fill in their saks, was pulled out roots and all.....

I took a picture of her living room, the wall was already boarded up when I got to see the it but that wall was wide open - the tornado tore that entire wall out. We couldn't actually stand in the room because the ceiling is cracked and looked like it could cave in at any moment.
Look how the tornado ripped this huge tree
right out of the ground.... root, curb, and all!
This is part of the front of the house boarded up - I'm told there were huge pieces of wood boards that went right through those windows and into the bedrooms.
Keep them in your prayers....
Monday, July 28, 2008
Grilled Chicken Pita...